Manage your speech & debate team all in one place

Easy to use, all-in-one platform to simplify your team management tasks.

California High School Speech Association
Coast Forensic League
Golden State Speech Assoc

Tools to manage your team

Member Database

Team Database

Keep track of your team members

All your membership data is stored safely in the cloud, allowing you to easily search, update, and share your database with coaches and teammates on any device.

Website Builder

Website Builder

Easy to use website builder

Build a simple website with our drag-and-drop tool or customize our professionally designed and mobile-friendly themes.



Accept online donations

Accept donations and begin fundraising with powerful donation forms, detailed reporting and complete donor management.

Volunteer Management


Recruit & manage volunteers

Easily create and manage volunteer sign-up sheets for team events. Make volunteering even easier for your supporters by giving them the option to sign up for an opportunity directly on your website.

Get started for free